Thursday, October 26, 2006

Today was a 6.29865295

I am sliding down the slippery slope.

Terrorists: Your Opinion Please.


A Person said...

Ryan, stop being so much like me, what with your wierdosity, soccer playing, procrastinating, blogging, qoute loving self. I know I'm a terrible person to say this, but do your homework. I see a lot of me in you, and watching you fail classes you should be acing makes me feel like I'm watching myself fail, and i should do something to help you. Let's help each other to stop procrastinating!!!

Victoria said...

Ryan I found you! found me, and then I'm pretending to have found you...

I like your blog. Its fun, and its interesting hearing your online voice. Keep posting and commenting! Yessss!

Zeta Xariel said...

@Paul: Its a done deal.

@Victoria: Tommorrow, I will come up with a post that will blow your mind. BLOW IT AWAY!!!!