Anyways, I was thinking over the whole why can guys have lots of girls and be "playas" while if a girl has lots of guys she is known as a whore? And then, lo and behold, I found this comic. (BTW, go back and start from the very beginning if you have time from http://www.dino-boy.com/ it's a great comic) And wow, did it blow my mind out of the water like a Heavy Imperial Repeater. (My personal favourite weapon) 'Cause, it's true. How many guys do you see that don't have to compete with other guys for a girl's affections. Hmmm? How many guys are nonathletic and still desirable. (Look at the cover of almost any magazine and you'll see that the guys have awe-inspiring muscles while most of the girls don't.) Okay. This came from Bob. Not Ryan. So...if you disagree (or agree) with this, comment and then maul the voice in my head, NOT ME!!!!! Peez.
In other news: WWJD about labels that refuse to organize themselves how I want?
In other other news: Hey look, labels!
In other other other news: I'm gonna post a normal (nerdy) post in a bit.
Yeah, that is a good point. Pretty much all a girl has to do these days to be a "big hit" is look good and they have tons of guys clamoring over her before even speaking a word to her. Guys, on the other hand, have to work more at it, actually have good personalities to get the girls. therefore, guys deserve praise when they do get lots of girls, and they're called players. But since girls don't have to work so much to get the guys, they don't deserve praise and are given a number of colorful names. It's pretty much a jealousy thing.
Sounds more like it's guys fault in the matter though, for being so shallow. Well that's my theory on the whole question. Personally i don't give a rat's tail about the matter, becuase the only time I've been called a player is when someone's trying to be funny!
You guys are so shallow! Geez!
Haha. Nah, not you guys.
Guys do have to impress girls with looks and macho-ness (girls being impressed are shallow and typical- UNlike me!) and girls impress guys with fake confidence and looks.
So isn't it kind of even?
Okay wait, about the athletics thing, yeah, you're right.
Girls kind of compete with each other, but not as much as guys do..it seems. I don't know.
I'm too tired and ADD right now to focus and contemplate...and then some!!
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