Thursday, October 20, 2005


Today, my computer's virus was erased. I have like, 6 missing assignments in math and Career Testing is tommorrow. It took me 10 minutes just to type this.

Rating: 4

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


What with my computer's Trojan Horse virus I haven't really posted lately. But anyway last weekend we celebrated my dad's birthday and we went to the shooting range. I learned how to shoot a pistol.

Rating: 7

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Today I got out of school after having 3 tests....

Rating: 6

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I was very tired today but I got a new book called Newton's Cannon. It is a very interesting book about alchemy and Isaac Newton. My arms feel so heavy I can barely lift them to type this.

Rating: 5

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Today is the first day of October and what a day it was; I was linesman for two U-8 soccer games today which means I froze my butt off. Then I went home ate lunch and played video games. For dinner we went out to a resturant and I got ribs.

Rating: 8